Democrats Turn Their Backs on Homeowners, Says Scheuren
HARRISBURG – Rep. Donna Scheuren (R-Montgomery) today criticized House Democrats for tabling her amendments to Senate Bill 1236 earlier this week, which would have created strong, anti-squatter legislation.
“This week, House Democrats missed an incredible opportunity to increase protections for homeowners, property owners and landowners across Pennsylvania,” said Scheuren. “The amendments I proposed would have given police the ability to immediately remove squatters from homes with a signed affidavit from the homeowner. Instead of having a discussion on these important and very past-due reforms, House Democrats immediately tabled my amendments indefinitely.
“My amendments were a watered-down version of my bill, in an attempt to just get the most important aspect of my legislation passed – the ability to throw squatters out and restore homeowners into their houses,” concluded Scheuren.
The amendments proposed were part of Scheuren’s
House Bill 2237, also known as the Homeowner Protection and Squatter Eviction Act. House Bill 2237 would:
· Allow municipal and state law enforcement officers to immediately remove a squatter from the property if the homeowner signs an affidavit stating that he or she is the lawful owner of the residence.
· Hold the signee of the affidavit liable for unsworn falsification if they are found to not be the owner and face penalties themselves.
· Increase the penalty for any squatter who causes $1,000 or more in property damage while unlawfully occupying a residence to a felony of the first degree.
· Allow home and landowners to seek treble damages and attorneys’ fees via a civil action against the squatter.
· Require law enforcement to notify Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) if the squatter is an illegal immigrant and to comply with any ICE detainer lodged against the illegal immigrant.
“While I voted to pass
Senate Bill 1236 because it does change the legal definition of a ‘squatter’ to a ‘trespasser,’ it is disappointing we missed this great chance to do more for homeowners,” said Scheuren. “Instead of standing up for homeowners and their property, we turned our backs on them as the squatting issue continues to be ignored. I hope we take real action against squatters soon by moving the Homeowner Protection and Squatter Eviction Act through the House and providing real protections for homeowners across this Commonwealth.”
The Homeowner Protection and Squatter Eviction Act is currently awaiting action in the House Judiciary Committee.
Representative Donna Scheuren
147th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Joe Szymanski /