Jan. 16, 2024

HARRISBURG – Rep. Donna Scheuren (R-Montgomery) and Sen. Tracy Pennycuick (R-Montgomery/Berks) announced today that three projects in the 147th district were awarded grants through Act 13 of 2012. The three projects are as follows: 

The Yoder Sidewalk Connections Project in Lower Salford Township was awarded $200,000 to help fund the building of new sidewalks to close crucial gaps in Lower Salford’s trail network. 

The Hickory Park Renovation Project in New Hanover Township was awarded $200,000 to continue its enhancements of the park’s entrance, the parking lot and various improvements to park amenities.  

The Hollenbach Park Trail Project in Upper Pottsgrove Township was awarded $200,000 to develop a new trail on Hollenbach Park land which will serve residents of multiple areas and the students of Pottsgrove Middle School.  

“Believing all three of these projects were big wins for all three townships, I advocated quite heavily for their approval,” said Scheuren.  “These grants provide funding to help make open space more enjoyable by improving our area parks and by adding additional connections to sidewalks and trails.” 

“These awards will help ensure that communities within Montgomery County continue to serve as hubs for recreational development projects,” said Pennycuick. “Our residents will be happy to learn that the Commonwealth is committed to supporting expansions for our beautiful greenways, trails and parks.”

Representative Donna Scheuren
147th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Joe Szymanski
RepScheuren.com / Facebook.com/RepScheuren