Oct. 22, 2024

HARRISBURG – Rep. Donna Scheuren (R-Montgomery) and Sen. Tracy Pennycuick (R-Montgomery) announced that multiple projects in Montgomery County have received grant funding from the Pennsylvania Local Share Account (LSA) program.

Working together to obtain full funding, Scheuren and Pennycuick advocated for five projects to receive funding as follows:

- $527,854 for Douglass Township to help purchase new municipal equipment, specifically a new leaf vacuum and a dual-axel truck chassis.
- $244,000 for Lower Salford Township to rehabilitate 180 feet of the Skippack Creek streambank. This part of the streambank is near the Mainland Treatment Plant and will be used for excavation, regarding installation of erosion controls and native species landscaping.
- $71,891 for Upper Pottsgrove Township to purchase new police equipment. This will be used for a new police SUV with upfitted equipment, replacing an existing SUV that is 14 years old.
- $278,558 for Douglass Township to purchase a new asphalt paver to help properly develop and maintain roads and public trails.
- $400,000 for Lower Frederick Township for the Lower Frederick Fire Company to purchase a new firetruck to replace their current one from 1999.
“I am happy to see this important funding approved for projects across my district,” said Scheuren. “Not only will it help one municipality with their heavy equipment needs, another with their environmental improvements and two more with upgrades to their emergency services, but all of the funding will go to enhancing the lives of their citizens.”

"I'm thrilled that these vital projects in our district have secured grant funding,” said Pennycuick. “These investments will enhance our communities by providing essential services, improving infrastructure, and promoting environmental sustainability. I'm grateful for the partnership with Rep. Scheuren and the Commonwealth Financing Authority in making these improvements possible."

Scheuren also personally advocated for two additional projects that received funding under the Local Share Account grant program.
The first project is for the installation of a generator in Douglass Township for the Boyertown wastewater treatment plant. A grant of $350,000 has been awarded for this project, which will see the purchase and installation of a backup generator to ensure ongoing operation of the wastewater plant during power outages.

The second project is for sewer infrastructure rehabilitation in Lower Salford Township. This project will take place on Manor and Alderfer roads by replacing 2,600 linear feet of sewer lines, replacing sewer laterals and installing necessary erosion and sedimentation controls. The total granted to this project is $650,000.

The PA Racehorse Development and Gaming Act (Act 2004-71), provides for the distribution of gaming revenues through the Commonwealth Financing Authority (CFA) to support projects in the public interest within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

Representative Donna Scheuren
147th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Joe Szymanski
RepScheuren.com / Facebook.com/RepScheuren/