Jan. 14, 2025
HARRISBURG – Rep. Donna Scheuren (R-Montgomery) announced today that the Western Montgomery Career and Technical Center and the North MontCo Tech Career Center have both received $85,000 grants from the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE).
Under this program, grants of up to $85,000 are awarded to school entities to update or purchase equipment used in the training of students in approved career and technical education programs. The equipment must be aligned with the needs of employers, and programming must provide students with hands-on use of the equipment as part of the curriculum.
“This is amazing news for CTC students across my district,” said Scheuren. “This is a major investment into the programs and education that ready our students for jobs in the trades. I have spoken many times on the need to expand our technical schools, and these students will be even more prepared for the jobs vital to Pennsylvania’s economy, now and well into the future.”
This funding is part of $4.5 million in competitive grant funding that has been awarded to 58 career and technical centers (CTCs) and school districts.
147th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Joe Szymanski
RepScheuren.com /